Ensure API Security with Advanced Scanning
Comprehensive API Vulnerability Scanning for Secure Integrations.
Identify and address security flaws in your APIs to ensure safe communication and prevent unauthorized access.
Authentication Flaws Detection
Identify issues with API authentication methods that could allow unauthorized access to sensitive data.
Input Validation
Scan for improper input validation that could lead to injection attacks like SQL injection or XSS.
Rate Limiting
Ensure APIs implement rate limiting to prevent abuse and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
Sensitive Data Exposure
Detect exposed sensitive data in API responses, such as unencrypted personal information or credentials.
We make cybersecurity simple with Dragonsec’s user-friendly interface and automated scanning tools.
Step 1: Sign in
Registering and signing in to Dragonsec is quick and simple. Just create an account with your email, set a password, and you're ready to start securing your systems instantly.
Step 2: Add target URL or endpoint
Adding a target URL or endpoint in Dragonsec is straightforward. Simply input the URL or endpoint, choose your scan options, and launch the scan with a single click.
Step 3: Wait for test completion
After launching the scan, wait for completion. You'll receive an email notification once the test is finished and ready.
Review and analyze the results
Download our report or ask our AI companion for explanations of the issues and their solutions.
Don't wait
The next attack could target you.